Idag fick jag se en ny bild på Robert Johnson. Tidigare finns bara två kända bilder på blueslegenden. Den kommer på omslaget till en kommande bok skriven av Robert styvsyster Annye C Anderson som var 12 år gammal när Robert dog 1938 endast 27 år gammal.

Så här presenteras historien bakom bilden;
In an exclusive first look, the photograph is presented here as it appears on the cover of Brother Robert: Growing Up With Robert Johnson, Mrs. Anderson’s forthcoming memoir written with Preston Lauterbach, to be published by Hachette on June 9. In an excerpt from the book, Mrs. Anderson, now 94, recounts the day the photograph was taken:
There was a make-your-own-photo place on Beale Street, near Hernando Street. I’ve since learned that a man named John Henry Evans owned it. The photo place was right next door to Pee Wee’s, the bar where Mr. Handy wrote his blues. One day when I was 10 or 11 years old, I walked there with Sister Carrie and Brother Robert. I remember him carrying his guitar and strumming as we went. You just walk in, drop a nickel in the slot, pull the curtain, and do it. There was no photographer. I had my picture made. Brother Robert got in the booth, and evidently made a couple.
I kept Brother Robert’s photograph in my father’s trunk that sat in the hallway of the Comas house while we lived there with my mother after my father died. After my mother died, we could only take so many things. I took my photographs with me, wrapped in a handkerchief. I only carried a few belongings to Ma and Pops Thompson’s house. When I moved in with my sister Charlyne, I bought some furniture. I stored the photograph, along with others, in a cedar chest I bought. I’ve always had this photograph.
It shows Brother Robert the way I remember him—open, kind, and generous.He doesn’t look like the man of all the legends, the man described as a drunkard and a fighter by people who didn’t really know him. This is my Brother Robert

Den första LPn jag skaffade med Robert var King Of The Delta Blues Singers. Någon gång 70-talet, den som var en sensation när den kom ut 1961. En stor inspiration för många engelska gitarrister som bl.a Eric Clapton och Jimmy Page.

Sedan skaffade jag dubbel-CDn The Complete Recordings när den gavs ut 1990. Johnson spelade in 29 låtar åren 1936-37, här är alla med och med flera tagningar blir det inalles 41 spår. Här är också den andra av de tidigare bilder som finnes, den första med Robert och cigaretten ser du överst.

Popnördspodden kom med nytt avsnitt idag. Det var första i en rad om Göteborgs-pop på 60-talet. Hela programmet handlade om Streaplers. Inspirerande som vanligt från Ulf och Åke.